Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where I'm From by Ms. Cindy

Where I’m From
By Cindy Yeager Barnett

I am from my bike
with monkey handlebars
from mud pies, doodle bugs,
and falling in love with Elvis

I am from the wide open pine thicket,
pretend houses,
and watching white puffy clouds
from the rocks I collect
and nature all around

I am from family gatherings
talking, laughing, and having fun
from dad, mom, and grandparents
from my husband and daughter
being part of a loving family
having kindred spirits

I am from hunting and construction
from hardworkers
that were great inspirations and role models

From hunting with my dad
and getting caught in the briar patches

I am from a Baptist upbringing
spending time with God
mission trips and fellowship time
with family and friends

I’m from being born in Newnan
to living in Moreland
pastas and Almond Joys
neither I need, but both I desire

From the Yeager clan
to my own Barnett family
with me happy as a
bubbling creek when it rains

I am from many past memories
And new ones to come

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