Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where I'm From by Mrs. Neill

Where I’m From
By Carol Neill

I am from Cabbage Patch Kids
from Barbie Dolls and softball games

I am from the old blue house
of good smells and good food
I am from the Pecan tree, the Hydrangea Bush

I am from Sunday dinners and lots of laughter
from Mama (Cordy) and Vernie (Mom)
and Wendell (dad)

I am from the dance recitals
and ball park days
From be careful
and go slow

I am from Christ
a Methodist

I am from Grantville
homemade vegetable soup
and casseroles

From an accident prone brother
The Charlie Brown clown of every family
And the wet doll house

I am from a white bookcase
Full of family pictures at the beach
Old year books of mine
And my Mom and Dad’s
My grandmother’s old cookbooks
Reminding me of all the goodies of my childhood
I love to visit it often.

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