Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where I'm From by Mrs. Smith

Where I Come From
By Deborah Smith

Where I come from
Folks raise what they eat
plant a garden
Butcher hogs
Milk the cows
Feed the chickens

Where I come from
Education is important
Learn to read
Show respect
Do your best
Don’t be like the rest

Where I come from
Travel round if you can
See the world with your heart
Be kind to others every day
Do your part and make a difference

Where I come from
Raising children to be their best
Aiding elders in need
Helping strangers succeed

Where I come from
Creating art from anything
Always know you’re good enough
Imagination has no limits
Making memories to share with others

Where I come from
Take the time to be a friend
Your presence is enough
Listen carefully to your thoughts
Love your children every day
Live with God in your heart
Trust that he will guide the way
That’s where I come from

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