Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where I'm From by Mrs. Smith

Where I Come From
By Deborah Smith

Where I come from
Folks raise what they eat
plant a garden
Butcher hogs
Milk the cows
Feed the chickens

Where I come from
Education is important
Learn to read
Show respect
Do your best
Don’t be like the rest

Where I come from
Travel round if you can
See the world with your heart
Be kind to others every day
Do your part and make a difference

Where I come from
Raising children to be their best
Aiding elders in need
Helping strangers succeed

Where I come from
Creating art from anything
Always know you’re good enough
Imagination has no limits
Making memories to share with others

Where I come from
Take the time to be a friend
Your presence is enough
Listen carefully to your thoughts
Love your children every day
Live with God in your heart
Trust that he will guide the way
That’s where I come from

Where I'm From by Mr. Evans

Where I’m From
By Joe Evans

I am from Double Colas, Moon pies,
and Evans barbeque on the 4th of July
Sears and Roebucks where I’m told
I was bought at a discount

I am from the red, brick house in the country
With apple trees along the drive
The 5 J’s ranch
John, Jacqueline, Johnny, Joan, Joe
I am from the Browns and the Evans

I am from my treehouse
where I ate mayonnaise sandwiches
and did my homework
I am from John Henry, the meanest rooster
And Bill my pet bull

Where I'm From by Mrs. Neill

Where I’m From
By Carol Neill

I am from Cabbage Patch Kids
from Barbie Dolls and softball games

I am from the old blue house
of good smells and good food
I am from the Pecan tree, the Hydrangea Bush

I am from Sunday dinners and lots of laughter
from Mama (Cordy) and Vernie (Mom)
and Wendell (dad)

I am from the dance recitals
and ball park days
From be careful
and go slow

I am from Christ
a Methodist

I am from Grantville
homemade vegetable soup
and casseroles

From an accident prone brother
The Charlie Brown clown of every family
And the wet doll house

I am from a white bookcase
Full of family pictures at the beach
Old year books of mine
And my Mom and Dad’s
My grandmother’s old cookbooks
Reminding me of all the goodies of my childhood
I love to visit it often.

Where I'm From by Ms. Williamson

Where I Am From
Nodja Williamson

I am from a brick barbeque pit, from Tide
and 409

I am from the sweet floral gardens
the morning glories, the pomegranate bushes

I am from muscadine jelly and country baking,
from Louise and Jerry
and radio Turner

I am from I told you so
and a mind of your own

From sweet dreams and I love you’s
I am from Psalms 23
Grandma reading the Bible every day to me

I‘m from Georgia,
Barbeque chicken and fried potatoes

From the aroma of Grandmother’s Sunday dinner
the childhood memories of mom on the farm
and the times dad pretended to be a race car driver
racing in the dirt

I am from the China cabinet and the walls surrounding it
the priceless frame in which we live
holds the lives of past, present, and much love within.

Where I'm From by Mrs. Exner

Where I’m From
By Josie Exner

I am from cotton sheets,
from Ivory dish soap and Hollywood Squares

I am from the St. Augustine grass,
clean and clear

I am from sad Christmas memories and good cooks,
from Andrew Jacob and Rachael
and Brooks

I am from the alcoholism and cancer

From “cast it wayward” and
“Act like a lady”

I am from Georgia Baptist Hospital
fried okra and sweet potato biscuits

From the fussing of two sisters
the opening of her bedroom 50 years later,
and the raising of children
from Mother Bo.

I am from a box of pictures in the attic
And scrapbooks with my Daddy’s handwriting in them

Where I'm From by Ms. Cindy

Where I’m From
By Cindy Yeager Barnett

I am from my bike
with monkey handlebars
from mud pies, doodle bugs,
and falling in love with Elvis

I am from the wide open pine thicket,
pretend houses,
and watching white puffy clouds
from the rocks I collect
and nature all around

I am from family gatherings
talking, laughing, and having fun
from dad, mom, and grandparents
from my husband and daughter
being part of a loving family
having kindred spirits

I am from hunting and construction
from hardworkers
that were great inspirations and role models

From hunting with my dad
and getting caught in the briar patches

I am from a Baptist upbringing
spending time with God
mission trips and fellowship time
with family and friends

I’m from being born in Newnan
to living in Moreland
pastas and Almond Joys
neither I need, but both I desire

From the Yeager clan
to my own Barnett family
with me happy as a
bubbling creek when it rains

I am from many past memories
And new ones to come