Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween poetry

We had a great lesson on Halloween poetry today.
Here is Kailey's:

When Is Halloween?
When spooky witches cackle
and ugly goblins scream
When haunted houses glow
and horrible ghouls hoot after dark
Children dressed-up
afterwards kids taste candy
then it's Halloween.

Here is the pattern if you would like to give it a try:

When is Halloween?
When ______ ______ _______ (adj., noun, verb)
And _______ ______ ________ (adj., noun, verb)
When ______ _______ _______ (adj., noun, verb)
And ______ _______ _______ (adj., noun, verb, prep phrase)
_______ ______ (noun, verb)
While _______ ________ _________ (noun, verb, noun)
Then it's Halloween!

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