Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November Contest

It seems that each month has a holiday in it. 4th of July, Easter, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, are all popular holidays. What is your favorite holiday? Describe what you like to do on this holiday, who you like to be with at that time, and why you enjoy this holiday so much. Send us your entries, so we can post them here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oregon Diary entry by Klaudia

March 2nd, 1832
We've been traveling all night from Independence. Our Aunt and Uncle left from St. Louis. I hope they will be okay on the Oregon Trail. When we passed the Green River some body in the other wagon drowned and their wagon broke apart. The wheel hit the wagon and almost tipped it over! Now we are camping by Devil's Gate which looks scary at night, but I have to face it!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween poetry

We had a great lesson on Halloween poetry today.
Here is Kailey's:

When Is Halloween?
When spooky witches cackle
and ugly goblins scream
When haunted houses glow
and horrible ghouls hoot after dark
Children dressed-up
afterwards kids taste candy
then it's Halloween.

Here is the pattern if you would like to give it a try:

When is Halloween?
When ______ ______ _______ (adj., noun, verb)
And _______ ______ ________ (adj., noun, verb)
When ______ _______ _______ (adj., noun, verb)
And ______ _______ _______ (adj., noun, verb, prep phrase)
_______ ______ (noun, verb)
While _______ ________ _________ (noun, verb, noun)
Then it's Halloween!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More 1st grade cartoons

1st grade cartoons

First graders in Mrs. Pitts' class created some great cartoons.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

5th grade cartoon entry

by Kailey

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Contest

October 2, 1950, the Peanuts comic was introduced to the world. Develop a comic strip of your own. Focusing on 2-3 characters, create a comic strip.
Happy Creating!
Mrs. Evans

You can view sample comic strips at:

For extra fun visit the online comic strip creator here:

Teachers there is a great lesson plan for creating comic strips available at the scholastic website:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to the Moreland Wildcat Writers

Moreland School would like to encourage all students to develop their writing skills. We will be posting a topic here each month for students to write about. Teachers will be displaying these writings at school. We will pick some of the best writings to be shared here on our blog.